We're looking forward to seeing you!

To facilitate the organisation, please let us know below if you can make it (ideally by end of April/early May) and if you have any specific dietary requirements.

With love

Chiara & Johannes

Some of you have already asked us about possible presents. Your presence is all we could wish for! Most of you will be joining us from far away and we really appreciate you making this effort to celebrate with us. Should you nonetheless want to give us something else (which is really not necessary) you could make a contribution to our honeymoon.

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Thank you! Grazie! Danke!

Contact us

Chiara: [plus]39  349 11 29230
                 [plus]41  76 229 7230

Johannes: [plus]39  392 575 8195
                   [plus]41  76 252 1016

E-mail: chiaraandjohannes[at]protonmail.com


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